Friday, January 16, 2009

Basic Needs

When you are sleepy, sleep
When you are thirsty, drink
When you are hungry, eat
When the time has come, you die.
It's that simple

So during the wake of my aunt last night, bunch of us realized our time has not come yet, when our stomach growled.
Not wanting to leave too long, we take a short walk in a rainy pavement, to find nearest chinese food stall.

We just had simple meal, fried rice - nasi goreng - the red one, fried noodle- mie goreng on its right, and nasi mawut - fried rice mixed with noodle - the white one.

Then I noticed a "Mo Tan Hai " in the menu.
We are familiar with Fu Yung Hai ( the scrambled egg with crab meat in red sauce) here.
But what is this Mo Tan Hai? so I ordered it.
It is fried egg, telur goreng mata sapi, with topping containing vegetable,meat, crab meat, and crab egg.

After attacked, not tastes..different.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simple conventional chinese food, I never get bored with these kind of food. Nasi Goreng and Bakmi Goreng, eternal combination ! Haha..